Terms And Conditions

Last Updated : 23 February 2024

We proclaim that all materials that have been posted and published on www.aisinnovate.com , such as website design, content, images, logo, reviews, trademarks, layout, etc. are sole property of AIS Innovate. The entire data is protected under copyright and intellectual property laws. Without any prior permission, you cannot make any modification to images whether being used for commercial or non-commercial purpose. Unless and until authorized from the content owner, you are not allowed to use and make prior changes to our name and logo for promotional purpose.

Without any specific notices, we do possess rights to update and change our “Terms and Conditions” and other related information. You are completely allowed to change the terms, pricing, and other information for your products easily.

Any restricted details including harassment, unlawful, pornographics, obscene, or information that encourages misconduction are strictly not allowed; else criminal offense against you will be registered.

Breach Of Terms And Conditions

If you fail to conform with the conditions, terms, agreements and notices, then the rights granted to you will end with self termination. Without any prior acknowledgement, on-the-spot termination of your downloaded item which are under your control will be obsessed at-a-time.

I completely agree to the policy defined above. And it becomes my responsibility to protect information of “AIS Innovate” and also its properties, agents, licensing, joint ventures and their third-party information provider.

Disclaimer Regarding Warranty

aisinnovate.com may revise its policy disclaimers any time. Thus, No Guarantee of non-infringement will be taken into consideration. Once changes have been updated in the website and you still make work with websites without knowing about the changes,we will not be responsible for the data loss or information, if available. You will be considered to use the website of newly applied modification once agreed with the decision.

Refund Policy

Our Refund Policy is in pure compliance with all the commitment we made for our each project. AIS Innovate refunds its client’s money if it is in accordance with the policies set by our management. But, under any circumstances, we are not liable to refund your money if you have breached our predefined standard obligations.